In this episode of The Hope + Help Project, Christine Chappell interviews author Sam Crabtree. They discuss his newest book, Parenting with Loving Correction: Practical Help for Raising Young Children to discover how the gospel of Jesus Christ helps parents pursue consistent, faithful discipline that mirrors the grace-giving, truth-speaking God of the Bible. Sam explains what corrective discipline looks like from a biblical perspective, outlines why establishing an atmosphere of affirmation and correction is important in a Christian home, and highlights the difference between destructive fear and healthy regard for parental authority. He also addresses the issue of corporal punishment, lays out three core imperatives for wise correction, and speaks powerful words of encouragement to parents who are struggling to implement consistent disciplinary standards for the children in their care.
It is unwise to pit behavioral change against heart change as though it's either/or—because it's both/and. Wise discipline looks beyond simply altering the child's behavior; it aims toward impressing the heart. But on the way to the heart, good discipline does shape behavior. Wise discipline doesn't skip over behavioral change, even while praying for the child's heart change.– Sam Crabtree
About the Podcast
The Hope + Help Project podcast offers compassionate biblical conversations about life's challenging problems. The podcast accomplishes this by offering a mix of interviews with seasoned biblical counseling professionals and ministry leaders on a variety of topics. Listeners can expect to receive biblical wisdom as well as practical steps for facing suffering, struggling and sin with courage and grace. Hosted by author/writer Christine M. Chappell.
About the Guest
Sam Crabtree is a pastor at Bethlehem Baptist Church in Minneapolis, Minnesota, where he has served for over twenty years. He is a former public-school teacher and is chairman of the board of Bethlehem College & Seminary. He is the author of Practicing Affirmation. Sam and his wife, Vicki, live in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and have two daughters and six grandchildren. Sam can be reached via email at [email protected].
About the Book
Parenting with Loving Correction: Practical Help for Raising Young Children • “A gospel-infused framework for the kind of loving correction that will help all of us train up a child in the way he or she should go.” Bob Lepine, Cohost, FamilyLife Today
Parenting can be a challenge. Sometimes it seems like all we do is give directions and all children do is disobey. How can we promote good behavior and a peaceful home without becoming harsh drill sergeants on the one hand or passive pushovers on the other?
This book aims to help you better understand loving correction through clear steps and practical tips aimed at transforming not only your children’s behavior but also their hearts. Rooted in three principles— keep it God-centered, always mean what you say, and reward obedience rather than disobedience—this is a guide to consistent, faithful discipline that mirrors the grace-giving, truth-speaking God of the Bible and sets the tone for a loving, joy-filled home.
Parenting can be a challenge. Sometimes it seems like all we do is give directions and all children do is disobey. How can we promote good behavior and a peaceful home without becoming harsh drill sergeants on the one hand or passive pushovers on the other?
This book aims to help you better understand loving correction through clear steps and practical tips aimed at transforming not only your children’s behavior but also their hearts. Rooted in three principles— keep it God-centered, always mean what you say, and reward obedience rather than disobedience—this is a guide to consistent, faithful discipline that mirrors the grace-giving, truth-speaking God of the Bible and sets the tone for a loving, joy-filled home.
Helpful Resources from Sam
How to Teach Kids to Tell the Truth
We desire for our children to tell us the truth, especially when confessing their sin. But how can we teach them to be candid with us, to speak the truth?
I’ve found six practices helpful in fostering honesty in children.
When a Child Disobeys: Six Steps for Healthy Correction
Correcting children can be a matter of babies and bathwater. How do we preserve the phenomenal God-given potential these children possess, without condoning the defiance that boils over from the cauldron of their sinful little hearts? How do we love the baby well and hate the dirty bathwater?
Parents, Let Your 'No' Be 'No'
Consequences ensue when a parent says, “No, you may not . . . ” but the child delays, or fusses, or whines, or simply disobeys, and the parents bow to it. Understanding yes and no are profound prerequisites for experiencing and appreciating mercy and grace, and there’s nothing we want more for our children.
*Disclosure: Bear in mind that some of the links in this post are affiliate links and if you go through them to make a purchase I will earn a small commission. Keep in mind that I link to these resources because of their quality and not because of the commission I receive from your purchases. This does not affect the cost of the resource, and the decision is yours whether you choose to purchase them from my link or not. Thanks for your support!
About Your Host

Christine M. Chappell
Author • Writer • Podcast Host • Speaker
Christine is the author of Clean Home, Messy Heart and Help! My Teen is Depressed. She hosts IBCD's Hope + Help Podcast and is passionate about advocating for biblical one-another care and discipleship in the context of the local church. Her writing has been featured at Desiring God, The Gospel Coalition, Risen Motherhood, Servants of Grace, and other Christian platforms. Christine blogs regularly at and lives in South Carolina with her husband and three children.
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