About the Episode
In this episode of the Hope + Help Podcast, host Christine Chappell interviews Deepak Reju & Jonathan Holmes about their books, Rescue Plan: Charting a Course to Restore Prisoners of Pornography and Rescue Skills: Essential Skills for Restoring the Sexually Broken. Some of the questions addressed in this interview are:
• What is pornography addiction?
• What are three elements are critical to consider when charting a course to rescue prisoners of pornography?
• What kinds of discipleship skills are needed for helping someone who struggles with pornography?
• What are 5 main biblical ideas that speak directly to the heart of pornography addiction?
• What do we need to know about the dynamic between pornography and masterbation?
• What do we need to know about pornography use in the context of singleness? What distinctive challenges do singles face in this area?
About the Guests
Jonathan Holmes is the counseling pastor at Parkside Church in Cleveland, Ohio, the executive director of Fieldstone Counseling, and a member of the Biblical Counseling Coalition.
Deepak Reju is pastor of the biblical counseling and family ministries at Capitol Hill Baptist Church in Washington, DC, and serves on the Biblical Counseling Coalition’s board of directors.
About the Books
Rescue Plan: Charting a Course to Restore Prisoners of Pornography
Pornography addiction is a pervasive problem—even in Christian circles. If you want to help someone who has become a prisoner of this sin, you’ll need to know your enemy and the terrain on which you’ll be fighting. Rescue Plan draws on the research and experience of two biblical counselors, giving concrete information and helping you to shape an effective plan of attack for strugglers young and old, whether single, dating, or married.
Rescue Skills: Essential Skills for Restoring the Sexually Broken
Do you know someone who is struggling with pornography use? Unfortunately, it’s likely that you do—but you may not know how to help. In this book, counselors Deepak Reju and Jonathan Holmes provide a treasure trove of straightforward, biblical strategies for guiding a fellow believer toward recovery. You’ll learn how to listen well, develop a plan, understand the body’s role in sexual struggles, and, by God’s grace, keep your friend focused on Christ throughout his or her journey to freedom.
About the Podcast
The Hope + Help Podcast offers interviews with seasoned biblical counseling professionals and ministry leaders on a variety of topics regarding life’s challenging problems. Hosted by IBCD Outreach Director Christine M. Chappell. Listeners can subscribe on major streaming platforms such as Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Soundcloud, & iHeart.