In this episode of The Hope + Help Project, Christine Chappell and Reverend Chris Moles unpack the heart of domestic abuse. Chris shares why he believes there has been some push-back from the Christian community about pursuing violent men with the hope of the gospel, the problem with treating domestic abuse as an anger issue, reasons why focusing on abuse as spiritual rebellion is so important, realistic ways of measuring intervention "success," and words of admonishment (as well as hope) for the man who senses he is abusing his power and wonders what true change will require. He also shares a variety of reliable resources that the audience can explore to further educate themselves on the issue of domestic violence, or find guidance for next steps if they are in a abusive relationship.
What is at play in the heart of an abusive man is pride. We can see this in Scriptural narratives—like King Nebuchadnezzar, King David, King Saul—where power was abused because of their own pride, their own ego, their own entitlement. This is what is happening in the heart of an abusive man. They are number one. So there needs to be a reorienting based on what Scripture teaches us.– Chris Moles
About the Podcast
The Hope + Help Project podcast offers compassionate biblical conversations about life's challenging problems. The purpose of the podcast is to share Christ-centered comfort and clarity for those seeking biblical solutions for the struggles they face. The podcast accomplishes this by offering a mix of interviews with seasoned biblical counseling professionals and ministry leaders on a variety of topics. Listeners can expect to receive biblical wisdom as well as practical steps for facing suffering, struggling and sin with courage and grace. Hosted by author/writer Christine M. Chappell.
About the Guest
Rev. Chris Moles (M.A.B.C.) is a Certified Biblical Counselor (ACBC and IABC) and a certified group facilitator in domestic violence intervention and prevention. Chris is the author of The Heart of Domestic Abuse: Gospel Solutions for Men Who Use Violence and Control in the Home and founder of PeaceWorks University, a membership website that exists to help train, commission, and support biblical counselors and others to address the problem of domestic violence with the gospel of peace.
Resources Chris mentioned in this episode:
• Men of Peace Coaching Groups for Abusive Men
• Equip Group for People Helpers with Leslie Vernick
• Peaceworks University Membership Program
• The National Domestic Abuse Hotline Website | 1−800−799−7233 | En Español
• Focus Ministries | Faith Based Domestic Violence Help for Women and Families
• Called to Peace Ministries | Dedicated to Offering Hope & Healing to Victims of Domestic Abuse
• Leslie Vernick | Help for Emotional Abuse and Difficult Relationships
• Men's Resource Center of Michigan | Counseling for Men
• Peaceworks Podcast
• There Is Hope: One Man's Journey from Abusive Anger to Redemptive Grace by James Maxwell
Resources Chris mentioned in this episode:
• Men of Peace Coaching Groups for Abusive Men
• Equip Group for People Helpers with Leslie Vernick
• Peaceworks University Membership Program
• The National Domestic Abuse Hotline Website | 1−800−799−7233 | En Español
• Focus Ministries | Faith Based Domestic Violence Help for Women and Families
• Called to Peace Ministries | Dedicated to Offering Hope & Healing to Victims of Domestic Abuse
• Leslie Vernick | Help for Emotional Abuse and Difficult Relationships
• Men's Resource Center of Michigan | Counseling for Men
• Peaceworks Podcast
• There Is Hope: One Man's Journey from Abusive Anger to Redemptive Grace by James Maxwell
Other Helpful Audio Appearances by Chris
What is Domestic Violence?
In this session author Chris Moles will define domestic violence, explain the motivations and tactics of perpetrators and discuss the various manifestations of domestic violence including physical, sexual, emotional, economic and psychological abuse.
The Heart of Domestic Violence
This session will seek to rethink some past approaches to situations of domestic violence, redefine this common problem and reach to the heart of the issue with hope to redeem these situations for God's glory.
Biblical Counseling Coalition Interview
This episodes's guest, Chris Moles, has over 17 years of experience dealing with this difficult topic. He has worked to help both the victims and perpetrators of domestic violence. He and Curtis Solomon discuss some of the issues related to this challenging topic and offer resources for further education.
*Disclosure: Bear in mind that some of the links in this post are affiliate links and if you go through them to make a purchase I will earn a small commission. Keep in mind that I link to these resources because of their quality and not because of the commission I receive from your purchases. This does not affect the cost of the resource, and the decision is yours whether you choose to purchase them from my link or not. Thanks for your support!
About Your Host

Christine M. Chappell
Christine Chappell is the author of Clean Home, Messy Heart, Help! My Teen is Depressed (forthcoming with Shepherd Press in March 2020), and is the host of The Hope + Help Project podcast. She is passionate about advocating for biblical one-another care and discipleship in the context of the local church. Her writing has been featured at Desiring God, The Gospel Coalition, Risen Motherhood, Servants of Grace, and other Christian platforms. Christine blogs regularly at and lives in South Carolina with her husband and three children.
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