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About the Episode
In this episode of the Hope + Help Podcast, host Christine Chappell interviews Curtis and Jenny Solomon about their respective books, Redeem Your Marriage: Hope for Husbands Who Have Hurt through Pornography and Reclaim Your Marriage: Grace for Wives Who Have Been Hurt by Pornography. Some of the questions addressed in this interview are:
• What are common views some husbands might have regarding the use of pornographic materials? How do these views contrast with a biblical understanding of sexual sin?
• What are some common initial responses a wife might have after learning of her husband’s pornography use?
• What role does lament and repentance play in the life of a husband who has confessed his use of pornography?
• How can we comfort a wife whose husband does not view his pornography use as detrimental to their relationship or hurtful to her?
• What makes a husband’s wife his “second greatest ally” in the fight against porn?
• Does a wife hold the “keys” to her husband’s freedom from sexual sin?
• How do the Scriptures encourage women whose husbands are making imperfect yet earnest attempts to break free from pornography use?
About the Guests
Curtis Solomon PhD, serves as the Executive Director of the Biblical Counseling Coalition. He holds a B.A. from The Master’s University, an MDiv, ThM, and PhD from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He is also the author of I Have PTSD: Reorienting After Trauma. He and his wife Jenny cofounded Solomon SoulCare. The Solomons and their two delightful sons live in Kentucky.
About the Books
In Redeem Your Marriage: Hope for Husbands Who Have Hurt through Pornography, Curtis will guide you through a process to help you understand the hurt pornography has caused and to lament the effects of your struggle on your marriage. But you will not be left without hope—Curtis will help you learn to believe in the forgiveness of sins and Jesus’s power to help turn away from sin and live for God’s glory instead of momentary pleasure. God’s grace and power is what you need to overcome the shame and guilt brought by porn use. His grace will catch you if you fail again, and his love will hold you fast as you seek to glorify him in every area of your life. You will see that true repentance and forgiveness will help both you and your wife move forward toward healing.
In Reclaim Your Marriage: Grace for Wives Who Have Been Hurt by Pornography, you will learn how to draw close to the Lord as you address your own sorrows, questions, and temptations. The author will encourage you to find a Christian community where you can seek a listening ear and find close friends who will come alongside you and pray for you in this battle. Jenny not only knows the struggle you are facing but has experienced the power of the gospel to bring healing.
Together, these resources can be used in the context of mentoring, counseling, or accountability relationships to give biblical direction and hope in the midst of a difficult struggle.