Video: West End Baptist Church Women’s Event
Have you ever struggled to believe in God's goodness in the midst of your grief? Do you sometimes wonder how to understand your pain in light of God's promises? When disappointment and discouragement linger, it can be easy to lose hope. But there is mercy to be found and behold, even in our dark days.
Christmas Hope and Your Suffering: Advent Devotional
Hope can feel hard to come by during the holidays, especially when you’re wracked with pain or weighed down with grief. Yes, it might be “the most wonderful time of the year” for some. But for others, it’s a season when wonderful times seem both far behind and far beyond them. Perhaps you fall into this latter category. If so, the incarnation may not seem like a relevant consolation. But consider this comforting truth as you weep and lament: Jesus wasn’t born to fail but to prove himself faithful.
Postpartum Depression: The Soul Care Podcast
In this episode, we explore the challenges of postpartum motherhood, and the need for grace and understanding in the face of struggles. We also emphasize the significance of acknowledging both physical and spiritual aspects of mental health, the impact of societal expectations, and the necessity of lamenting and grieving.
11 Free Resources on Biblical Lament
Biblical lament is something I've taught, spoken, and written about a number of times, but only recently did I come to realize that I had enough lament-related resources to share in one post! On this page, you'll find a few interviews from the Hope + Help Podcast archives on the topic of lament, as well as a number of articles that will help you to think more deeply about the topic. In addition, this post features two printables—one of which is brand new.
4 maneras de ayudar a una mamá deprimida
Con un estimado de 800,000 madres en los EE. UU. diagnosticadas con un trastorno de salud mental materna cada año, y con una gran mayoría de ellas sin posibilidades de obtener ayuda profesional, el cuerpo de Cristo no puede quedarse de brazos cruzados. Incluso como laico, puedes ofrecer a una madre deprimida el cuidado necesario e irremplazable en Cristo.
Finding Hope in the Middle of Depression: Great Stories
"On today's episode of the Great Stories Podcast, David Wollen talks with Christine Chappell. She’s an author, a biblical counselor, and a podcaster, and a mother. On this episode, Christine shares her story and what she learned about how Jesus draws near to those who are struggling with depression."
The Gift and Skill of Praise in Lament
If you don’t tend to associate groaning to God with giving Him thanks, you’re not the only one. I confess there have been times when praising the Lord was nowhere near the top of my mind in my sorrow. But over the years, the Spirit has helped me to better understand these two contrasting ways of addressing our Heavenly Father—to see that we needn’t sacrifice praise on the altar of lament (or vice versa). Even our most desperate cries can be “couched in praise,” just as “[in] the context of praise, lament and even protest can be an important function of faith.”
His Mercies Are More: Haven Today Broadcasts
Laundry. Meals. Crying children. Motherhood is busy. But if dark clouds of depression roll in, the weight can start to feel unbearable. Where do you turn? All week on Haven Today, David Wollen will be joined by author and mother, Christine Chappell, for a series called His Mercies are More.
Depression and Motherhood: Parenting with Ginger Hubbard
"Are you a mom struggling with feelings of hopelessness and anxiety? Would you like biblical guidance and practical help for battling depression from someone who’s been there and understands? Join Ginger Hubbard and Katy Morgan, along with special guest Christine Chappell, as they discuss how we can abide in Christ and lean on him to sustain us through seasons of darkness."
The Soul Care Podcast Interview
Recently I had the chance to talk with Dr. Warren Lamb, Jinda Reinig, and Kimberly Willess on their new show, The Soul Care Podcast.
You Lamented—Now What?
“There’s a lot of talk about how to lament these days, but what do we do after—what comes next?” My friend’s question was intriguing. He was right to identify the need for extended reflection. After all, the moments following lament are just as important as the pain-pressed prayers themselves. We must choose to do something next, so what will it be? Withdraw in self-pity? Lash out at loved ones? Self-medicate with creature comforts? Give ourselves over to the futility of restlessness or the fruitlessness of resignation? We need wisdom, lest the choices we make do more harm than good. Because all of life is lived before God, how we move forward from lament truly matters. So what wisdom does he offer to us in these fragile and frustrated moments?
Stillbirth with Jackie Gibson
In this video recording from the 2023 Midnight Mercies Virtual Summit, Jackie reflects on the stillbirth of her daughter and recounts how God mercifully met her in the midst of her grief.
Free Resources for Depressed Moms
This post contains articles, audios, videos, and downloads which were published during the launch of Midnight Mercies. All of these resources are free to access and available to freely share.
Child Illness & Miscarriage with Katie Faris
In this video recording from the 2023 Midnight Mercies Virtual Summit, Katie reflects on the fears surrounding her children's genetic illnesses along with the grief of miscarriage, and recalls how God mercifully met her in the midst of one of the most overwhelming seasons in her life as a mom.
Child Loss with Sharon Betters
In this video recording from the 2023 Midnight Mercies Virtual Summit, Sharon reflects on the sudden tragic loss of her son and recalls how God mercifully met her in the midst of depression and grief.
Chronic Illness with Vaneetha Risner
In this video recording from the 2023 Midnight Mercies Virtual Summit, Vaneetha reflects on her progressive journey through chronic illness and remembers how God has mercifully met her in the midst of her limitations in motherhood.
Postpartum Depression with Christina Fox
In this video recording from the 2023 Midnight Mercies Virtual Summit, Christina Fox reflects on her discouraging journey through postpartum depression and remembers how God mercifully met her in the midst of it.
Midnight Mercies: BCC Podcast Interview
I recently had the opportunity to join Curtis Solomon on the Biblical Counseling Coalition's 15:14 Podcast to talk about my book, Midnight Mercies: Walking with God through Depression in Motherhood.
Unexpected Divorce with Shannon McCoy
In this video recording from the 2023 Midnight Mercies Virtual Summit, Shannon reflects on her journey through depression in the wake of divorce and shares how God mercifully met her in the midst of it.
The Trial of Depression in Motherhood: His People Radio Interview
I recently had the opportunity to join Bill Feltner on his radio program, His People, to talk about the trial of depression in motherhood.
Miscarriage & Postpartum Depression with Abbey Wedgeworth
In this video recording from the 2023 Midnight Mercies Virtual Summit, Abbey Wedgeworth reflects on her painful journey through miscarriage and postpartum depression and shares how God mercifully met her in the midst of it.
Broken by Depression: Broken Vessels Podcast Interview
I recently had the opportunity to join Joshua Simpkins on his podcast, Broken Vessels, to talk about the brokenness of depression and some of the questions and challenges that arise when we navigate that journey with Christ.
Sadness vs. Depression: This vs. That Podcast Interview
I recently had the opportunity to join Anchored Hope Counseling on their podcast to consider how we might discern the difference between ordinary experiences of sadness and the overwhelming darkness of depression.
4 Ways to Help a Depressed Mom
Surely somewhere in your close proximity, there’s a mother suffering from depression. As she attempts to beat back the darkness, you wonder how you can care for her. As featured at The Gospel Coalition.
Depression in Motherhood: Help & Hope Podcast Interview
In this conversation, Sharon Betters talks with Christine Chappell about the different emotional facets of the experience of depression, practical steps we can take in battling depression, and suggestions for how friends can come alongside a hurting friend.
When the Clock Strikes Midnight: 3 Encouragements for Depressed Moms
If you’re feeling desperate for encouragement as you walk through the darkness of depression, I’d like to pass along a few statements which ministered to me. The Spirit used each of these fitly spoken words to give me strength and insight on my journey. By God’s mercy and grace, I pray they will serve you just the same. As featured at Risen Motherhood.
Depression in Motherhood: Counsel for Life Interview
Christine offers compassion for mothers who are struggling with despair and sadness as she shares her own story and gives wisdom from Scripture for those who need encouragement and motivation to keep moving forward.
Special Preview: Introduction to Midnight Mercies
This post contains the full introduction of my new book, Midnight Mercies: Walking with God through Depression in Motherhood. As featured at the Institute for Biblical Counseling and Discipleship.
BCC Blog: Why I Wrote Midnight Mercies
My intent is that any mother who knows what it’s like to groan, "I feel depressed" will find comfort and counsel in these pages. As featured at the Biblical Counseling Coalition.
Connecting Depressed Moms to Biblical Lament
When caring for a mother who is walking through depression, it’s unwise to overlook the sustaining grace God has for her through lament. As featured at the Biblical Counseling Coalition.
Hope + Help for Angry Grief with Brad Hambrick
In this episode of the Hope + Help Podcast, host Christine Chappell interviews Brad Hambrick about his book, Angry with God: An Honest Journey through Suffering and Betrayal.
Hope + Help for Processing Grief with Tim Challies
In this episode of the Hope + Help Podcast, host Christine Chappell interviews Tim Challies about his book, Seasons of Sorrow: The Pain of Loss and the Comfort of God.
Hope + Help for Practicing Lament with Mark Vroegop
In this episode of the Hope + Help Podcast, host Christine Chappell interviews Mark Vroegop about his Dark Clouds, Deep Mercy Devotional Journal.
Hope + Help for Hard Times with John Crotts
In this episode of the Hope + Help Podcast, host Christine Chappell interviews author and Pastor John Crotts about his book Hope: Living Confidently in God.
Biblical Counseling Coalition Podcast: Help! I’ve Been Diagnosed with a Mental Disorder
In this episode of the 15:14 podcast, I speak with host Curtis Solomon about my minibook, Help! I've Been Diagnosed with a Mental Disorder. This interview originally aired on October 30, 2021.
4-Freedom Ministries Video: Help! I’ve Been Diagnosed with a Mental Disorder
In this episode of the 4-Freedom Podcast, I speak with hosts Jon Hollifield & James Safrit about my minibook, Help! I've Been Diagnosed with a Mental Disorder.
On Being Diagnosed with a Mental Disorder & Identity in Christ
During this recording, Christine offers insights as to how identity in Christ informs our perspective, purpose, and plans as we work through the hard questions that come with being diagnosed with a mental disorder.
Hope + Help for Depressed Christians with Zack Eswine
In this rebroadcast of the Hope + Help Podcast’s very first episode (originally aired April 2019), host Christine Chappell interviews author/Pastor Zack Eswine on the topic of depression.
Top 5 Friday: Christian Books on Grief
In this replay, I share my Top 5 Christian books on grief, discussing WHO they're for, WHY I think they're helpful, and WHEN to recommend them. Special thanks to this week's top viewers (Cynthia, Maree, & Ruth) for making the broadcast conversational. And congratulations to Cynthia, who won this week's book giveaway by engaging with the most comments during the livestream.
Crushed by Grief to Give Hope in the Mourning
Look to the Man of Sorrows and remember: it's not a sin to be sad about sad things.
When Life Seems to Be Falling Apart
He who knit you together in your mother's womb has knit you permanently to his own heart.
Favorite Bible Verses to Comfort in Grief
"God’s Word provides powerful comfort in grief. Because scripture is alive and active, time in the Word settles our heart and anchors our emotions in loss. I’ve asked several friends who’ve walked through grief from various kinds of loss to share their favorite Bible verses to comfort in grief. These writers and ministry leaders each share a favorite scripture and how that verse impacted their grief." -Lisa Appelo
How Do I Talk to My Kids About Sorrow?
Forewarning our kids about the realities of sorrow can forearm them to face it by faith. Christ said these seasons would come, and that we would find comfort, hope, and peace by looking to him when they do.
When Hurting is Hard and Healing is Harder
Hope is a skill to be learned while we sit between hurting and healing.
Hope + Help for Depression & Grief: 9 Episodes You Don’t Want to Miss
There have been a number of guest on the show whose books (or interview topics) have revolved around offering gospel hope and help in depression/grief contexts. If you are someone walking through a season of grief/depression, or have been called to care for someone who is, these podcast episodes are sure to offer helpful biblical insights, gospel-centered comforts, and practical applications for taking next steps by faith.
Hope + Help for Grief Care with Nancy Guthrie
In this episode of The Hope + Help Project, Christine Chappell interviews author and bible teacher Nancy Guthrie. They discuss Nancy's book, "What Grieving People Wish You Knew about What Really Helps (and What Really Hurts)" to better understand the raw emotions people face as they experience grief, and to learn how to compassionately and confidently interact with those who are mourning the loss of a loved one. Nancy shares about walking through the deaths of her two infant babies, and how grief can become a hurdle in everyday relationships. She offers some cautions about what not to say to someone who is grieving, and also suggests possible conversation starters that demonstrate a proper esteem of the loss. Additionally, Nancy observes the misguided assumptions supporters can sometimes make about grieving people, and shines a light on the pain that is felt when friends and family keep their distance. Lastly, Nancy steers listeners back to the hope of heaven through Jesus Christ, and examines why spiritual sentimentality is too flimsy to offer real hope in the midst of unbearable pain.
Live Radio Interview: How to Talk to Your Depressed Child
I had the pleasure of being interviewed on The Ride Home with John & Kathy radio show regarding my article at The Gospel Coalition, "How to Talk to Your Depressed Child." For fifteen minutes, we spoke about some of the challenges and necessities of caring for a child who is walking through depression. While I would have loved to have been able to expand on certain points (and of course, I neglected to say a few things I wish I would have), I hope the interview offers some helpful insights into the incredible difficulty of the situation, and stresses the need for compassion, grace, and God's truth in the midst of a disorienting season.
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