Walking Through the Dark Part II: Real Christians Can Experience Real Depression
Have you ever been guilty of jumping to conclusions about the cause of someone's depression? Do you feel a sense that your companionship during that time requires your ability to know how to fix the other person? If you haven't experienced the darkness of depression yourself, is it possible to soften your heart to the experience of the sufferer? In this recorded Facebook Live video, I outline 3 helps for people to consider when caring for someone suffering from depression. Also included in this video are reading recommendations for those who wish to equip themselves for compassionate, biblical care.
Walking Through the Dark Part I: Approaching the Wounded with Compassion
Have you ever been guilty of jumping to conclusions about the cause of someone's depression? Do you feel a sense that your companionship during that time requires your ability to know how to fix the other person? If you haven't experienced the darkness of depression yourself, is it possible to soften your heart to the experience of the sufferer? In this recorded Facebook Live video, I outline 3 helps for people to consider when caring for someone suffering from depression. Also included in this video are reading recommendations for those who wish to equip themselves for compassionate, biblical care.
Brief Biblical Counseling Overview & Resource Audio
In this audio, I give a brief overview of biblical counseling to a group of Care Coaches at JC Cares (jccares.us) in Easley, South Carolina. The talk aims at encouraging the Care Coaches to desire to grow in their ability to administer Christ-centered, biblically founded one-another care to the economically disadvantaged in their community. Websites I […]
Finding Freedom from Mom-Envy (Seeking the Still Video)
In this Facebook LIVE recording, I share a message on the topic of “mom-envy,” exploring what it is, what the Bible calls it, ways it manifests itself in our lives, and how we can work in tandem with the Word and the Spirit for lasting heart change. This video was hosted by Laura Fleetwood, author/podcast […]
4 Life-Changing Truths About God that Move Us from Chaos to Courage
If you find yourself in a season of chaos, let me first tell you that I understand completely. I have found myself in such a season, and it is not for the faint of heart. Yet even in these challenging times, we have an unique opportunity to put our faith into action. There is something about […]
“Stop Struggling, Start Fighting” A Mom’s Mission Field Podcast Interview
Having a hard day of motherhood? Walking through a dark spiritual valley? Finding yourself in a fall/winter season of marriage? I’m so thankful for the opportunity to talk about REAL & HARD things with Tiffany at A Mom’s Mission Field in this new podcast episode. In the episode, I share a bit of background about my book, […]
Knowing When to Walk Away (Thrive Moms Feature)
This article originally appeared at Thrive Moms on March 21, 2017. Christine M. Chappell is a contributing writer for the Thrive Moms blog, the author of “Clean Home, Messy Heart: Promises of Renewal, Hope, and Change for Overwhelmed Moms”, and is currently pursuing her biblical counseling certification. I couldn’t remember the last time I had bent down to feel velvety […]
Lay Your Weapon Down: Invitation to Cutters (Desiring God Feature)
I was recently privileged to share a piece of my heart at John Piper’s website DesiringGod.org. This article is meant to give readers a glimpse into the heart struggle of a Christian tempted to self-harm, as well as the intimate love and affection that Jesus has for such ones who struggle in this fashion. The battle is presented […]
“Lay Your Weapon Down” Desiring God Article Resources
Thank you all for graciously responding with messages of support over my recent article, “Lay Your Weapon Down: Invitation to Cutters.” Obviously the subject matter is not easy to read, but the truth remains that the Lord has a special, tender place in his heart for children who fight against self–harm. He does not consider […]
Make This Your Battle Cry (Thrive Moms Feature)
This article originally appeared at Thrive Moms on February 23, 2017. Christine M. Chappell is a contributing writer for the Thrive Moms blog, the author of “Clean Home, Messy Heart: Promises of Renewal, Hope, and Change for Overwhelmed Moms”, and is currently pursuing her biblical counseling certification. He split his lip wide open. I couldn’t […]
Reflections from Calvary’s Hill | Guest Post by Barbara Hill
Friends, I am thrilled to invite back to the blog Ms. Barbara Hill, who has previously appeared as a guest writer at FaithfulSparrow.com! In this feature, she shares her reflections from a past trip to Israel—they serve as wonderful reminders as we prepare our hearts for the upcoming Easter season. Enjoy! I traveled to Israel 7 […]
Dear Dreamer: The World Needs You Now
“The soul without imagination is what an observatory would be without a telescope.” Henry Ward Beecher You can’t do it. Stop trying. It’s impossible. Could there be a deeper wound to the spirit than hearing words such as these? Whether they land in our ears from the lips of another, or are the result of darts loosed […]
An Invitation to American Women: May Your Marching (& Non-Marching) Lead Here Next
The pictures are remarkable. The comments are divisive. United we stand, yet on opposite sides. For all the passion and zeal, for all the motivating factors and beliefs, one thing is certain: our Country is filled with capable, energetic, enthusiastic, educated, and strong women. Many of our Country’s women are lovers and fighters. In all of […]
4 Tips for Improving Scripture Memorization
I have to admit that Scripture memorization was a scary notion a few years ago. It wasn’t until I was challenged to do it through a discipleship group I belonged to that I really attempted it at all. Once we began–as a group–to pursue growing in this area of spiritual discipline, we were constantly surprised […]
Preparing Your Heart for Reading the Bible | Free Printable
One day as I was listening to John Piper teach an episode of Look at the Book (an excellent podcast to listen to, by the way–click here for link), I heard him rebuke himself for taking a long time to introduce the segment and the Scripture he was going to expound upon. He hadn’t yet prayed […]
For the Man Who Loves a Broken Mind
We weren’t prepared for this. Certainly “for better or worse” sounded so romantically bittersweet. I’m not sure many of those entering into a lifetime of marriage say those words and think of being worse in a way they cannot see. “In sickness and in health“—a deathbed, an epic medical failure, a withered body with a hand to […]
Cultivating a Teachable Heart | Guest Post by Emily Sue Allen
He really is a stand-out kid; smart, capable, clever, and helpful. He brings me more joy than I could say with his goofy 8-year-old grin, and the thoughtful ways he cares for others. He also knows how to push my buttons with incredible precision. Whenever I correct his behavior, he resists, pushes back and tries […]
When Failed Resolutions Come Back to Haunt You
Facebook memories can often be great sources of joy and reflection. And while it’s usually a treat to look back over the events that have happened on a particular day in your personal history, not all of the recollections come with warm feelings of happy days passed. Sometimes the memories serve to remind us of painful […]
For The Woman Stretched In All Directions | Guest Post by Amy Fritz
♥ Hey friends! My guest post series continues TODAY with writer/blogger Amy Fritz! I hope you enjoy! ♥ There were about a half dozen of us together that morning at our Bible study class- women’s ministry leaders, Bible study teachers, women new to their faith, and women who had been believers for decades. We […]
Two Lies I Believe | Guest Post by Jill E. McCormick
♥ Hey friends! I’m bubbling with writing urges and I can’t wait to start sharing my own posts in just a couple weeks. In the meantime, my 2016 guest post series continues TODAY with writer/blogger Jill E. McCormick! ♥ It took getting hit by a car to realize I believed two lies about my […]
Memories and Remembering: How Advent Gets it Right | Guest Post by Glenna Marshall
♥ Hey friends! I’m taking the rest of the year off from writing original posts, but amazing things are still coming for you! My 2016 guest post series continues TODAY with writer/blogger Glenna Marshall! ♥ It was supposed to be a magical night, one made of sugary memories my kids will draw from when […]
7 Words You Need to Pray from the Garden of Gethsemane
Today, I’m welcoming guest writer Janelle Upton to the blog to share her reflections on the garden of Gethsemane. I really enjoyed her insights and I hope you do as well! Can I be totally honest with you? Most times I do not in, anyway, relate to Jesus. I adore Him. I look to […]
“Panic to Peace” Free Video Workshop Now Available!
I’m pleased to announce the launch of my new online classroom {EQUIP with Christine}, which will offer women a library of live teaching from my workshops. It has been on my heart for some time to figure out a way to take my live classes and offer them to women across the globe, and I […]
For the Mom Who Feels Like the Fruit Will Never Come
♥ Hey friends! I’m taking the rest of the year off from writing original posts, but amazing things are still coming for you! My 2016 guest post series continues TODAY with author/blogger Courtney Steed! ♥ “I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear […]
Resources for the Woman Fighting Depression
If you are a woman fighting against depression, I pray that these resources are helpful to giving you comfort, encouragement, and hope. If you are a family member or loved one supporting a woman who is struggling with the pain of mental burdens, I pray that these resources will help you find the wisdom needed […]
Dear Mamas: Slow Down & Savor Today | Guest Post by Christen Spratt
♥ Hey friends! I’m taking the rest of the year off from writing original posts, but amazing things are still coming for you! My 2016 guest post series continues TODAY with writer/blogger Christen Spratt! ♥ If you saw someone open a bag of M&Ms and start popping them in their mouth and swallowing them whole, […]
Encouragement for the Mom Who Regrets What She Said | Guest Post by Jennie Scott
♥ Hey friends! I’m taking the rest of the year off from writing original posts, but amazing things are still coming for you! My 2016 guest post series continues TODAY with writer/blogger Jennie Scott! ♥ When I learned my second pregnancy was with a little girl, I immediately had visions of tutus and hairbows. Parenting up to that […]
The Steadiness of Faith | Guest Post by Barbara Hill
♥Hey friends! I’m taking the rest of the year off from writing original posts, but amazing things are still coming for you! My 2016 guest post series starts TODAY with writer/blogger Barbara Hill!♥ I was revisited today by an illustration I heard years ago about a ship and a train. My pastor was sharing about living […]
Hearts of Thanksgiving in Seasons of Grumbling
It was one of those days that took every ounce of gut-wrenching, teeth-clenching, tongue-biting endurance I could muster. You know the kind–when the kids start their day with grouchy complaints that never quite seem to taper off as the hours tick by. As the night sky fell upon bedtime, I sat on the floor and […]
12 Scriptures to Read When Fighting Panic
“Have you realized that most of your unhappiness in life is due to the fact that you are listening to yourself instead of talking to yourself? Take those thoughts that come to you the moment you wake up in the morning. You have not originated them but they are talking to you, they bring back […]
Ditching Personal Agendas When it Comes to Reading the Bible
Recently, I’ve found myself reading straight through 1 Kings during my nightly quiet time. After a season of bouncing around through books of the Bible based upon my “mood-of-the-day,” it’s been nice to park myself in one spot (and stay there) to simply read for enjoyment. At first I wasn’t sure why I was being led to […]
When Someone Else is Living Your Dream
It hit me the moment I saw it: a Facebook update celebrating the news of achievement and success, renown and opportunity. I confess: I’m not immune twinges of jealousy, however briefly they linger. I know I shouldn’t feel this way when others are triumphing with their talents, but this undercurrent of envy still remains. It has […]
3 Ways the Gospel Motivates Marital Peacemaking
My husband and I hit a brick wall every-so-often—a place in our hearts where our pride has consumed us and neither wants to make the first attempt to apologize. If you’ve been married for any length of time, I’m certain you can relate to the difficulty couples have in pursuing humble reconciliation after a fight. […]
Now Available | “He Sees, He Knows, He Cares” Greeting Card by Wheat & Honey Co.
I’m thrilled to announce the release of a brand new greeting card that is sure to spread encouragement and hope wherever it travels! I’ve partnered with Wheat & Honey Co., a small business based out of Texas that is passionate about sharing the Lord’s love, one greeting card at a time. Through this collaboration, they […]
Finding Hope in the Waste Place
The dust began to swarm around my ankles as I raked dead leaves and pine needles into a pile. One wouldn’t think August to be a month of making mounds of folliage in the yard, but the excessively dry California summer never gave our tree the opportunity to remain fully green. The size of the […]
When God Wills for Us to Wait
The mailbox was full of junk again. I’ve been looming over it for the past week, awaiting the arrival of what I might as well call a “golden ticket”: a letter from Barnes & Noble’s small press department. Almost eight weeks ago, I submitted a package to have Clean Home, Messy Heart shelved at their […]
Finding the Root of Our Impatience
“I am a mom of an almost 2 year old girl and lately my patience is getting worse! When you are losing patience, what part of the bible do you run to?” I was recently asked this question by a reader and thought it to be a terrific opportunity not only to reflect on my […]
Tiny Hands, Wedding Bands, and the Fight to Focus on Marriage
It happened again, as it tends to every month or so. Somehow in the shuffle of the day, I had carelessly taken off my wedding ring—and in an instant, it was gone. Just when I think I’ve trained myself to carefully watch where I place it, and just when I think I finally will heed […]
Temecula Church Selects Local Author for Moms Bible Study
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Temecula, CA, August 12, 2016—Rancho Community Church (RCC) has officially announced the selection of local author Christine Chappell‘s debut title, Clean Home, Messy Heart: Promises of Renewal, Hope, and Change for Overwhelmed Moms for their fall Mom to Mom group bible study. The semester, which is scheduled to launch on RCC’s Temecula […]
Why You Can’t Just “Fake it ‘Till You Make It”
As I sat there listening to the advice—a long list of do’s and don’ts—it didn’t take long before the age-old gem of, “When all else fails, just fake it ’till you make it” rolled off his lips. Somewhat surprised, my eyes widened as I considered the ramifications of what he had recommended to combat my […]
“Meant for This” | Live Recording from Birth Choice Baby Shower Event
This message was recorded in front of a live audience at the 2016 Birth Choice of Temecula Baby Shower event hosted by Rancho Community Church in Temecula, CA. More About Clean Home, Messy Heart Learn more about Christine’s book Clean Home, Messy Heart: Promises of Renewal, Hope & Change for Overwhelmed Moms by clicking here. For information […]
5 Reasons to Use This Book for Your Next Bible Study
Fall is just around the corner, and if you’re like me, you may possibly be jumping for joy at the mirage of pumpkins, cinnamon, and fall leaves that seem still to be so distant in this California heat. And while many of us long for the cooler temps and school day structure that comes with […]
Video Series: Behind the Book | When Things Got Hard
This post is part of a special series of videos that take readers behind-the-scenes of the making and publication of the book Clean Home, Messy Heart: Promises of Renewal, Hope, and Change for Overwhelmed Moms, now available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble,ChristianBook.com, and more! (Don’t forget to watch in HD!) I think we’ve all been at that place where […]
Operation Bookstore | Can You Help?
This summer, we’re hitting the streets trying to reach local bookstores and churches about stocking Clean Home, Messy Heart on their shelves—and we need your help! Without the aid of a publicist or agent, the legwork to get a published book spread around the country is labor-intensive. Having you join us in “Operation Bookstore” is yet […]