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About the Episode
In this episode of the Hope + Help Podcast, host Christine Chappell interviews Julie Lowe about her minibook, Teens and Suicide: Recognizing the Signs and Sharing the Hope. Some of the questions addressed in this interview are:
• Why do today’s teens seem so vulnerable to suicide?
• What is the mindset of a teen who is vulnerable to suicide?
• What are some warning signs that caregivers can watch for in their teen?
• How might caregivers compassionately engage teens who are struggling in this way?
• How does the gospel of Jesus Christ offer hope to a teen who is vulnerable to suicide?
• Why is it wise to open lines of communication between teens and caregivers about the topic of suicide?
• In what words of comfort and counsel do the Scriptures offer to caregivers to help them face the fears they have for their teen?
• What role does the local church have to play as we seek to care for teens who are vulnerable to suicide?
About the Guest
Julie Lowe, MA, is a faculty member at the Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation (CCEF) and a licensed professional counselor with nearly twenty years of counseling experience. In addition to the mini-book we discuss in this episode, Julie is also the author of Helping Your Anxious Child and Building Bridges: Biblical Counseling Activities for Children and Teens. Julie and her husband, Greg, have six children and serve as foster and adoptive parents.
About the Book
Teens and Suicide: Recognizing the Signs and Sharing the Hope
Many teenagers are not navigating adolescence successfully. Often, even though they have material things, the latest electronics, and spending money, they can be stressed, unhappy, and feel directionless. For an increasing number of teenagers, their struggle to manage pressures and expectations leads them to consider suicide as their only means of escape.
Family and children’s counselor Julie Lowe takes a look at some of the reasons teenagers are increasingly vulnerable to suicide and what factors lead to it. She offers helpful advice for all those who work with teenagers to recognize suicide warning signs and shares ways to guard against hopelessness and help them find reasons to live.
Loving, trustworthy adults (parents, mentors, youth workers, and friends) need to establish solid relationships with teenagers that will serve as the basis for the direction and instruction that they still acutely need. Teenagers long to be known and accepted.
Giving them a solid foundation that they are known and loved by God, as well as displaying care, sacrificial giving, genuine compassion, faith in Christ, and being there for them builds a foundation that will not be easily shaken and will provide a lifeline to teens who are struggling.
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