Published Books
Postpartum Depression: Hope for a Hard Season (New Growth Press, 2024)
"This mini-book is gentle and compassionate, gospel-laced and hope-filled. It looks at the struggle and its effects on the whole person--both body and soul. If you or someone you know is battling postpartum depression, read this mini-book and talk about it with a trusted counselor or friend." (Christina Fox, M.S. LPC; author of A Heart Set Free: A Journey to Hope Through the Psalms of Lament)
Misericordia en la oscuridad: Caminando con Dios a través de la depresión en la maternidad (P&R Publishing, 2024)
"Vivimos en un mundo de oscuridad, pero Misericordia en la oscuridad ofrece a las madres cristianas una mirada bíblica y compasiva a la misericordia del Dios de luz que puede mostrarles el camino de salida de la depresión hacia la gozosa dependencia en su Salvador. Mamá, te lo recomiendo ampliamente." (Susi Bixby, anfitriona de podcast, Crianza Reverente)
Midnight Mercies: Walking with God through Depression in Motherhood (P&R Publishing, 2023)
"Christine describes the feelings of depression as only one who has walked this path can. Highly recommend this book for anyone, in any season of life who has traveled the same road." (Amazon Reviewer)
Help! I've Been Diagnosed with a Mental Disorder (Shepherd Press, 2021)
"I love Christine’s discussion on the burden we can feel to fix ourselves and her wise words on resting in Christ. I will definitely be recommending this to people who are navigating the confusion of a new diagnosis." (Amazon Reviewer)
Help! My Teen is Depressed (Shepherd Press, 2020)
"I highly recommend this book, not just for parents with a depressed teen, but for anyone caring for a love one battling depression. To aid in preparation and prevention, this should be required reading for all parents." (Amazon Reviewer)
Clean Home, Messy Heart: Promises of Renewal, Hope, and Change for Overwhelmed Moms (Westbow Press, 2016)
"Loved this book! The author does an amazing job encouraging mothers and turning their eyes to the Bible for support and direction. This book is an easy read, but also full of truth and scripture. I highly recommend it!" (Amazon Reviewer)